Friday, May 9, 2008

My Mother's Day

This week has been filled with Mother's Day related conversations and advertisements. Just today alone, three different people asked me what I'll be doing for my mother this weekend. I blankly replied, "Oh, nothing" as I realized that it was a conversation stopper. I imagine that they're wondering why and other possible things they might be thinking of such as "Oh, No. Is her mother dead?" "Maybe she's a single parent child?" "She hates her mother? She doesn't seem like the type," etc. Anyways, the real reason is that I'm just not very close to her. I would like to be, but it's complicated. She's at least 8267 miles away right now. We haven't been within 3 ft. of one another for almost three years now. Unless I can count the distant between her voice from my phone to my ear then I guess we would be really close.

Renaissance Pleasure Faire, CA (see)

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