Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Last Night at the Echoplex

Went to see a few bands at the Echoplex last night for the first time and the space is amazingly beautiful. It's nothing like the echo. This place is much bigger with more places to sit along with accents of red lights everywhere to give whatever mood that the color red gives you.

Both The Rosebuds and Lemon Sun were awesome as expected. A surprisingly another good band, Dazzler, performed last in front of a smaller crowd a little bit after midnight. I should've taken a picture of them, but I don't like to sometimes when there's a performance at a really really dark place. I didn't set my LCD screen to off earlier, so I didn't want to suddenly have this white light shining at people. Why do I think about these things? So if you have never heard of Dazzler, imagine a bunch of mixed matched musicians, with all different instruments from a keytar, vocoder, percussion, to other rock band instruments. There I stood thinking how could everything fit, but after they started playing, they were right on and the crowd started dancing. Aside from good music, it was pouring outside.

Rosebuds from North Carolina

Lemon Sun with my Old Boss's Nephew as the Lead Singer

The Entertainers between the Shows Who Biked from Glendale

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