Driving to and from work has been so much more enjoyable these past couple of weeks due to the decrease in traffic. It's quite sad actually if you were to really think about it. Less people are driving now because they're out of a place to drive to for work. I also noticed that when I was at the store the other day, most people were only buying the essentials like toothpaste, shampoo and detergent and not so much of things like clothes and books. People are saving more because they're running low on cash. There are now more people holding signs along the streets in clean and dirty clothes. The recent layoff waves is effecting everyone without any discrimination. You can be a top designer or the teacher of the year and it would still doesn't matter. I'm scared for my friends who are without jobs and have bills to pay. I wish I were a billionaire so I could help them out. I feel a little bit guilty sharing ideas of going to places when I know that they can't join me. I'm sure that many friendships must have been broken by now between the haves and have-nots.
On a brighter note, Congratulations to one of my best friend, Mong, who recently gave birth this morning to a healthy baby girl, Jaelyn : ) Welcome to the family. You'll have so much love in your life.

9th Month
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