Sunday, July 20, 2008

Glow + The Dark Knight + Korean BBQ =

To sum up yesterday into a equation would be something like this:
The Dark Knight + Korean BBQ + Glow = Long Saturday

The Dark Knight was awesome especially in imax and that is all I'm going to say about it.

I don't know how I came across the Glow web page last week, but some how thought that it was just going to be like any other small, free and fabulous event in LA. The idea of hanging out at the beach from Dawn-to-Dust was hard to miss. It turned out to be the event of LA last night as probably thousands of young and old, families and friends, were there. Plus, parking was free, but I'm not sure if we would have been so lucky if we were to leave before 2 AM.

Usman Haque's Primal Source
more picture at frogafish: see

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