Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Normal Office Activities

On some Mondays, it's just way too early to share anything about the weekend. I take the lazy way out sometimes with the, "I don't remember" respond. I guess the more accurate thing to say would be "Sorry, it's just way too early for me to recall anything right now. Let's talk later." My co-workers must think that I'm either very secretive or have no life at all outside of work with my blank answer.

Anyways, talking about office life. It's annoying when the last person who finishes the coffee doesn't brew a new pot for the next person. Also when the restroom runs out of hand soap and no one seems to care enough to refill it. Doesn't anyone else washes her hands? Errr...I don't want to think about that too much. There's also the frequent spilling of coffee, sugar, etc. that people don't clean up in the kitchen. Sometimes people leave their dishes over night and not only in one sink where there are already dirty dishes in it, but in both sinks. Yes, please block both sinks so no one else can clean just like you.

No, these are not complaints. I'm only stating the fact of what I've seen before in an office. Is this normal office activities? My work is small, so our custodian only visit on the weekend. In a better world, more people would care and respect their working environment and not leave their mess for others to clean up after them. People would take care of one another and help each other out. Isn't it just common sense and common courtesy? I guess some people just don't have it. Sad.

On another note, I'm loving Neko Case right now. Her voice is always amazing to listen to when I'm happy or sad.