Thursday, May 20, 2010


Why is it so much easier to donate clothes that no longer fit me than the ones that I haven't worn in years? They both belong in the unused category, but I just can't seem to say good bye to them. I admit it, I have a lot of clothes. Not because I shop often or anything; I just can't seem to let things go especially when they're in perfectly good conditions. I keep thinking that I'll find other ways to make use of them or find someone to give them to, but I don't. Instead they're hidden away underneath my bed. Must remind myself that my next bed should be very low to the ground, so I can eliminate this hiding place all together.

Last night a high school kid asked me for bus money. I said no, but can't stop feeling bad about it. I have no idea if his reason is true or not. Back in my younger days, I used to walk for hours and have never asked a stranger for money. I don't know what type of situation this kid is in, but I wonder if it's easier for people to ask strangers for things now than in my days.

The last time that I donated money was to this homeless man carrying a sign that reads, "Please Share Just One Quarter." Something about it made me really sad as if people get mad at him for standing near the freeway with his sign. What would you do if you were homeless, have you ever thought about that? Where would you go for anything when you have no one to turn to?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May Day Queer Contingent, Los Angeles

All I can say about my last two month is "May Day." Here's our press release and pictures below.


The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Calls For Comprehensive Humane Immigration Reform inclusive of LGBT issues.

Los Angeles, CA—On May Day/International Worker’s Day, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) advocacy groups march for humane immigration reform which protects LGBTQ individuals, their partners, families, and children. Wearing red shirts and carrying gay flags, a large “Queer” contingent include members of The Latino Equality Alliance, API Equality LA, Equality California, CoaliciĆ³n Trans Latina, Gamba Adisa, Sin Fronteras, The Wall / Las Memorias, Proyecto Orgullo-BIENESTAR, Faith for Equality, Asian Pacific Aids Intervention Team (APAIT), Proyecto Igualdad, Asian Queer Women Activists, National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce and other LGBT Groups.

“The gay community supports human rights and dignity in the application of federal immigration laws and policies. The LGBT community is well aware of the harm caused to individuals and families that unconstitutional laws like Arizona’s new anti-immigrant law, SB 1070, which criminalizes the undocumented, and California’s Proposition 8, which denies marriage rights to the LGBT community” said Suyapa Portillo, board member of the Latino Equality Alliance and co-founder of Gamba Adisa, queer women, gender non-conforming, and trans people of color collective. “The LGBT community urges President Obama and Congress to act fairly and swiftly to update immigration laws and policies that are harmful and separate families.”

LGBTQ specific Immigration Reform Action Items include:
  • Uniting American Families Act. If passed, this law would recognize more than 36,000 bi-national same-sex couples in the United States, 47% of which are raising children.
  • Support the DREAM ACT for all youth and recognition of LGBT and queer youth. Immigrant youth who are LGBTQ-identified must be acknowledged in the larger fight for education and youth self-empowerment. Many undocumented youth will graduate with honors from their universities and will not be able to contribute to society and the economy because of their legal status.
  • Support LGBTQ worker rights within immigration reform. Although many workers are covered under LGBTQ laws and protections in this country, these protections exclude non-documented immigrants.
  • End the 12-month rule to file for asylum seekers. Twelve months is not enough time for LGBTQ immigrants fleeing trauma and violence to obtain adequate resources and representation to file for asylum.
  • Stop abuse against LGBTQ immigrants, particularly transgender immigrants, in detention centers. LGBTQ people often face physical violence, rape, and emotional and mental abuse in detention. One resounding example is the case of Victoria Arellano’s death in ICE detention; Arellano died marginalized for being a transgender person and cut off from live saving health care.
  • Stop all forms of militarization and violence at the various borders. Border militarization must cease immediately, particularly biometrics and infrared technology utilized to criminalize immigrants.