I wonder what others' experience with Dim Sum is like, but for me it's something that I used to do every Sunday morning with my Dad. We would go "Yum
Cha," which means "Drink Tea" in Chinese. Sunday was family day and back then it was my Dad's only day off for the week.
We always get only hot tea and never cold water. Never any fried food and only steamed dishes. No jello or anything that has bright colors and the only dessert is usually between the egg tart and the custard bun.
The oldest person there always start the meal and we used to go really early in the morning to avoid the crowd and like my dad used to tell me, Yum
Cha is breakfast.
Anyways, there was a rally here in LA today to stop the war against the Palestinian People. I wanted to go, but have already made prior plans, so I didn't. For those of you who have ever been to a rally, I support and thank you for your passion to go out and express what you believe in. It's good to have passion and stand up for something. To be able to feel and be moved. And for those who have never been to a rally, it's never too late and yes, I know, there are other ways to show support, too. And it doesn't mean that you're less passionate about it or anything, it just mean that you couldn't go.
So where do I stand in this rally, for or against the war? Well, I'm against the war of course. But I fully support the fight against any oppressors of the innocents, people who can't choose what they look like, what religion or living environments they were born into, people who are not in the right condition to protect themselves and especially people who does not want to fight, but are forced to live in constant war and fear. I wonder if we'll ever see the time when there will be no such thing as war. It will be something that kids would have to look up in their dictionary or something.
What frustrates me the most is how I can't understand how someone who have seen their people or know of their ancestors, who have been oppressed by someone else before, can later become the oppressors themselves or support oppression on someone else. Did they simply forget what that was like?
I hope that the LA rally was peaceful today. There's no need for it to turn into a smoky riot because that is what we're fighting against.
Guess Who?