Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving with Me

Today started out with a wake up call from Lihwa, who got to my place earlier than expected b/c no one else was on the freeway. We ate breakfast from Porto's then headed to Echo park to volunteer at the Echo at an event called, Gobble Gobble Give by 9:40 A.M. We both wanted to work as part of the food conveyor belt and the clean up crew, but more people showed up earlier than expected, so we were asked to wait outside : ( Instead, I appointed myself to be part of the documentation/pr crew and started taking these pictures, since I always have my camera with me anyways. It turns out that it was a good thing that it was too busy inside b/c it felt nicer to work outside in the fresh air and to also see and give things to people.

Anyways, after taking a few photos, I noticed that there were other things that you could help out with that were non food related. There were clothes and toiletry that needed to be sorted and bagged for drivers to take with the food to be delivered to people. I realized that we were low on plastic bags and got my self to two groceries stores nearby to ask for bags donations, which turned out to be a success.

Got back to the Echo and started helping out with the clothes area until we actually ran out of clothes. There were some clothes that were wet, which I'm not sure how that happened, but some people took them anyways. Saw a few celebrities there who actually volunteered, but I won't say who b/c Lihwa thought that one of them was someone who's homeless.

So more volunteering and cleaning time past then we left and headed to the House of Pie for some food. There was a long line there of course, but luckily it was the to-go line. We ate and caught Twilight afterward at the theater across the street from there.

It was my second time seeing the movie and my opinion of it is completely different now than before. I must share that I don't usually watch the same movie twice at a theater, but I feel like my first viewing experience was such an unexpected let down. I concentrated too much on every little thing that wasn't the same as the book, so that distracted me from really enjoying it as a movie alone. Also with the audience being mainly young girls, I felt like their loud emotions may have muted my own movie experience. I hope that makes sense.

Then this time, I completely enjoyed the movie. This theater was much smaller and everyone was very quiet. I didn't really have to worry or be anxious about anything anymore b/c I have already seen what would happen. So yes, I do like the movie and hope that it will only get better from now.

Next destination: Monterey Park for dinner then home.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Love This Weather

I don't usually like the rain when I have to drive somewhere, but without it I wouldn't get the After the Rain weather that I love. The sky somehow seems brighter and the streets definitely are cleaner. Plus, I get a free car wash and save $15 instead of having it cleaned at work.

I want to go to the Roxy tonight, but this weather makes me feel sleepy. Hmmm. Wanna dance?

Leaving Work
Not the cars. Look at the bright yellow mountains in the background.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Last Night at the Echoplex

Went to see a few bands at the Echoplex last night for the first time and the space is amazingly beautiful. It's nothing like the echo. This place is much bigger with more places to sit along with accents of red lights everywhere to give whatever mood that the color red gives you.

Both The Rosebuds and Lemon Sun were awesome as expected. A surprisingly another good band, Dazzler, performed last in front of a smaller crowd a little bit after midnight. I should've taken a picture of them, but I don't like to sometimes when there's a performance at a really really dark place. I didn't set my LCD screen to off earlier, so I didn't want to suddenly have this white light shining at people. Why do I think about these things? So if you have never heard of Dazzler, imagine a bunch of mixed matched musicians, with all different instruments from a keytar, vocoder, percussion, to other rock band instruments. There I stood thinking how could everything fit, but after they started playing, they were right on and the crowd started dancing. Aside from good music, it was pouring outside.

Rosebuds from North Carolina

Lemon Sun with my Old Boss's Nephew as the Lead Singer

The Entertainers between the Shows Who Biked from Glendale

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Volunteering with Kids

Last night I volunteered to play with kids at a housing center. It's supposed to be the only housing center in L.A. that accepts families with teenagers. The kids that came out last night seemed to be around the age of 3-12 yrs. old. We gathered into the play/library/art room where there were 2 tables, a bunch of little chairs, a couch and a big T.V. that doesn't work anymore.

I recognized some of the kids from the last time that I was there, which was way back in May. It made me so happy to see how much they've grown and how some of the kids even recognized me from last time. We played Thanksgiving Bingo where instead of numbers there were pictures of things related to Thanksgiving. Before the game, we introduced ourselves and shared one thing that we are grateful for. One little girl was so honest and sweet. She shared with us how happy she is to have her Mom in her life b/c she knows that her Mom always tries very hard to make her happy and keeps her company when she is lonely. Other kids mentioned families, friends, cousins, and toys.

I also read a couple of books to some of the kids there and they just loved the attention. I'm not sure how much attention these kids are getting, but I can't imagine what their families are going through right now. I'm just glad that at least there's a place like this housing center that will help people who are in need. This Thanksgiving I want to volunteer at a soup kitchen, since I won't be going home until Dec., hopefully. If you know of any places that will be doing this, please let me know.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

LOVE not H8

Honk to Support Same-Sex Marriage
It was a good day to be out. So much love and support everywhere.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Observing L.A. Drivers

On my way to work this morning, I noticed this woman in the car next to me. She was drinking something hot in a to-go cup, while tailgating. I could see her frustration, but doesn't mean that it was right for her to cut me off so she could pass who ever that was in front of her. A few seconds later, we all stopped at a red light and I wondered if she still thinks that it was worth it to do what she did. I'll see something like this everyday here in L.A. and I guess anywhere else where there are slow drivers vs. fast drivers, too.

I'll admit that sometimes, I am one of those slow drivers on the freeway. Well, if you count the time when I wanted to stay below 65 mph so I could save on gas. But then there are other days when I'm feeling like everyone is moving like a turtle and instead I was the fast driver.

I especially hate it when I have to change lane, but I'll be stuck in between two slow cars where one is in front of me and the other one is right next to me. Can't people tell when someone is in their blind spots? I also dislike when people change more than one lane at a time without pausing to check their blind spots each time. I mean, if the freeway is completely clear then go ahead, but don't do it when you see a bunch of cars behind you. You're just asking for an accident. Sometimes, I wish that I have an old beat-up truck so I can just let people run into me.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sneak Peek of October

Taipei Metro

Wow, it's empty

National Palace Museum, Taiwan

Night Market,Tainan

The Wisdom Path, Hong Kong

Taoist God, Taiwan

Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, Taiwan

Halloween at Disneyland, Hong Kong

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What are You Doing Here? Go out and Vote!

Take advantage of your rights. Please vote today if you can!

I waited in line for about an hour this morning to vote in Burbank. Usually I'm an absentee voter, but this time I really wanted to feel the whole experience of waiting anxiously in line, casting my vote in a booth and walking out with my "I Voted" sticker. Yeah! I'm so happy right now. Obama better win or something crazy is going to happen here.

Shorter line than this morning. Grrr!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Back in the States

A preview of the trip to Taiwan and Hong Kong will be posted soon. I had a great time filled with temples, night markets, crowds, and street food all in the 90+ weather. I'm back and super tired. The flight back wasn't as comfortable as the flight there, but I'm very thankful for the extra hour that we gained here.

P.S. Finished The Twilight Series before the trip. How could I not? I probably almost missed my flight because of it, too. Well...not really,but I slept less than 3-4 hrs. every night until I finished it. I also read the partial draft of Midnight Sun. Ahhh Edward!